

My name is Robi Firdaus. You can call me Robi. I am fifteen years old. I am a Muslim. I was born in Garut, on 27th   of Macth 2002, but I have never lived in Bandung before because my father always works outside Bandung. I have lived in Bandung since I decided to continue my highschool at SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. In Bandung, I live in street cipaera no 139/33 rw 02 rt 04,I lived in Bandung and studied there at SD Negeri Centeh Bandung  for 2 years. Now, I study at SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. I'm a tenth grader and my classroom is in X MIPA 9. My favorite subject in school is Mathematics and English. But I prefer Mathematics rather than English. I like reading so much, I like to read novels, magazines, and science books. That's why I wear an eyeglass because sometimes I usually lay in bed while reading. I also enjoy swimming. When I was a student in an elementary school, I used to travel to many places in Indonesia, such as Bangka Belitung and Lampung. I have one younger brother, his n


Edu Passion is an annual event in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. This event is made so the students can learn about their passion in the next level of education. There are university stands and class presentation from both public and private universities. There are also food tenants and many other performances in order to entertain the audience. We also invite high school students all over Bandung to join the event. What makes this year's Edu Passion special is the Governor of West Java, Mr. Ridwan Kamil, attend the opening ceremony. I was one of the student's committee of Edu Passion 2019 so I was involved in the preparation of the event. Even on the night before the event, I slept at school because there was still so many things to get done. I didn't get enough sleep but in the same time I also had to wake up early in the morning before the students arrived in school. I also couldn't participate or learn deeper about my passion since we had to help the teach

Vlog robi



ACTIVITY 1   TEXT 1 Opening / Found  HELLO GEORGETOWN Content / found  Information of the event  will be held on  APRIL 2013  it’s open 24/7 Closing / found  Contact  detail: . TEXT 2 Opening / found :  CALL FOR PROPOSALS Content / found :  “The ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Indonesia have had a significant impact. Since August 2003, more than 10 million livestock have been affected and...”  ( Paragraph 1 – Paragraph 3) closing / found contact detail : (Adapted from: TEXT 3 Opening/found : “We are proud to announce We outgrew our old place” content/found : The purpose of this announcement is to inform that they has moved and they give new address store closing/found contact detail : Contact us: 089922376549837 TEXT 4 opening/not found : none content/found  “Starting from 1 st January 2018, we open branches in several big cities such as Medan,


BURUNG BEO Klasifikasi  Kerajaan          : Animalia Filum               : Chordata Kelas               : Aves Ordo                : Passeriformes Famili              : Sturnidae Genus              : Gracula Species            :  G. religiosa Sub Species     :  Gracula religiosa robusta Bahasa indonesia : Keunikan Burung Beo Daya tarik burung Beo ada pada suaranya. Bahkan ia mampu menirukan suara persis manusia jika dilatih dengan baik. Ia juga memiliki ingatan yang kuat, sehingga dua keunikan dasar inilah yang menjadikan burung Beo populer di Indonesia. Burung Beo sendiri termasuk kelompok Omnivora atau pemakan segala. Tak hanya buah dan serangga, ia juga mampu memakan nektar dari bunga yang ia hinggapi. Karena termasuk kelompok Omnivora, maka memelihara burung Beo tidaklah sulit. Sebab ia dapat makan dari jenis buah apapun, misalkan pepaya, melon, pisang, dan buah-buah lain. Bahasa inggris : The uniqueness of Beo Birds The attraction of the bird Beo

my last holiday

My last Holiday On the 20th of December me and my friends went to garut. me and my friends holiday in garut for 5 days. My friend and I went from bandung to garut by train.We leave from bandung around 18.00, and we arrived in the garut around 21:00,My friend and I went straight to my nene house which is not far from the station train. Me and my friends stay at my nene house. The next day me and my friends went to cipanas arrowroot, After us from our cipanas go straight to the plaza garut to buy food and shopping. After that my friends and I went straight home to the nene. To the next day we went to situ cangkuang, After we finish we go home nene. the next day we went to the zoo. after that we went home, to the next night we went to the night market, we are very happy to play in the night market, we play rides ombak banyu, this vehicle is very exciting and challenging because there is no seat belt, this vehicle beat the rides in dufan because the rides in dufan still wearing seat

Natural hill lembang

Jumat 10 November 2017 We went to Natural Hill Lembang, in order to do Campr't. Campr't is a program from school every term. The function of Campr't was making us braver,stronger, more diligent, and more independent. We went there from our school at 8 o'clock. We arrived at 9 o'clock. We prepared our tent for 30 minute, then we had to move to the main field and did flag ceremony. After we did flag ceremony we played a games until Dzuhur, the boys moved to mosque to pray. After we prayed we continued our games until 5o'clock. After that we went back to our camp and cooked for a competition and for our dinner. Then we pray Maghrib and Isya. Next we moved to a big room, we got a great lesson about Hoax. Then at half to ten we moved to the main field. We did "Api unggun". We had to performance something in front of our friends. It was fun and great. Then at 11 o'clock we went back to our tent to sleep. We woke up at 4 o'clock, then we praye